Цели на обучението: Повишаване квалификацията на учителите с цел осигуряване на високо качество и научност в преподаването, в което еднакво и равноправно участват учители и ученици, насърчаване на самостоятелната творческа дейност и готовност на учениците за приспособяване към промените в социалните условия.

Постижения на нашите ученици

Oxford, UK

Trust for Sustainable Living (TSL) is an eco-friendly organization which preserves the environment. It is concerned of protecting plants and animals all around the world. It does not have political interests and specifically it is trying to integrate youngsters, searching for creative ideas, attractive actions and empathy. The way of doing this is by organizing Schools Essay Competitions & Debates in different parts of the globe.

It was my privilege to be ranked via my positive writing. Then I was invited to go debating in Oxford in summer 2017. The pleasure was enormous to meet such incredible and intelligent people, all inspired by the same cause on the topic 'Can we beat the climate change by 2030?' In this exciting atmosphere I learnt about a variety of issues in countries like India, Philippines and so on. We, the children, exchanged experience during the activities and like that we became friends. Everybody was presenting own opinion, a model of reaction and innovative thinking to solve the habitat problems. Speaking by the name of my country Bulgaria, I have got the Judges' Commendation for my willingness to raise the spirit in the fight for a change. Also my team working skills were welcomed by receiving a medal.

In addition, the hosts of the event had planned plenty of entertainments in advance: visiting a greenhouse for tropical vegetation, a solar farm, a business park oriented towards protecting rare species, a wind turbine groundwork and a technology centre.

It was unforgettable try so I would like to attempt again into the new theme, exploring practical ways to sustainably use our oceans, seas and marine resources.
P.S. Wish me luck!
By Radost Deneva
